This space is for all of us Struggling Millennials (SM's) who grew up thinking if we aced our exams, we would be loved...or get that nice dress. So here we are in our 30s, still acing our exams but have grown to know that even if we don't, we will still get that nice dress.
Or at least we think we do. But some days, we still slip back to our old ways.
Of perfectionism. Of being our harshest critic. Of not resting when we need to.
Just because.
Old habits die hard, they say.
Exhibit A: Today, Your Girl just finished a pitch that took a toll on her mental health because it brought back past traumas. The price of creativity (but also not the point). Point is, she got it over the line even when she had to drag people on the deck, kicking and screaming, to get said pitch to its best possible version to have the highest chance at success. They did. They made it to the shortlist. You know how Your Girl wanted to celebrate?
By dragging her ass back to the gym. Not just any other gym. But a martial arts class with full on sparring. All because old habits die hard. (Perfectionism dies harder?!?)
Anyways, before she breaks her body even further after all those sleepless nights, she caught herself in pain this morning and cancelled her gym class tonight.
How did you almost slip back into workaholism today?
update: decided to take a long ass nap instead ;)